Planning Context
The adopted Development Plan for the area consists of the Clydeplan, which was approved in 2017 and is the Strategic Development Plan for the area and the Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP) which the Council are in the process of formally adopting following receipt of a letter from the Scottish Ministers on 5th July 2022 which advised that the Council could progress to adoption.
Within the LDP the site is located within a green belt area on the edge of the town Cumbernauld. However, the site is within the Airdrie and Coatbridge Housing Sub Market area where there is an identified housing land shortfall.
We believe that a proposal for housing on this site will help remedy this shortfall, will contribute to sustainable development, and will contribute towards the creation and enhancement of 20 minute neighbourhoods within the town of Cumbernauld. The proposal will incorporate a mix of house types as well as a new neighbourhood centre for the local community all of which have been considered as part of the broader masterplan for the site. This in line with the vision and aims of the LDP.