South West Cumbernauld

Welcome to our Virtual Online Exhibitions we are holding on our Indicative Housing Development Proposals

The Proposal

The proposal is for up to around 950 new homes, along with an area for a new neighbourhood centre, accompanied by associated open space, infrastructure and sustainable drainage methods. The proposed new neighbourhood centre could also provide a potential location for a new primary school, subject to discussions with the Council.


The proposed primary access into the site is from the A73, through the formation of a new arm to the existing roundabout. There may also be the potential for an additional access further south along the A73, subject to further technical assessments. Access may also be provided from Summerhill and Garngibbock Road, which passes through the west of the site and connecting back into Cumbernauld to the north.


A primary route is proposed through the site, connecting from the A73 to Summerhill & Garngibbock Road. It passes through the proposed location for a neighbourhood centre, and then forms a loop in the east of the site. A secondary route then connects the western side of the site to the primary route and Summerhill & Garngibbock Road. These routes provide access to a further network of pedestrian prioritised streets and lanes.


Structure planting will form a new and robust inner Green Belt boundary to the south of the site. Planting will also screen the site from the railway line to the west and A73 to the north east. A significant green network is proposed to be retained along the Shank Burn and Luggie Water. This corridor opens out in areas to form areas of green space, including potential locations for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), bringing opportunity for biodiversity enhancements. Further green spaces are proposed as parks, including potential equipped play areas, ensuring that all new homes are within easy walking distance of quality amenity areas.


The proposal would form a new neighbourhood in the south of Cumbernauld, creating a place with a unique character, responding to its landscape context and providing much needed new homes.