There has been lots of housing built recently in Crossgates and the village cannot take any more houses. Why are you proposing to build houses on this greenfield land?
The site is an allocated housing site in the Council’s adopted Local Development Plan 2017 (Fifeplan), as confirmed on the website and so housing proposals are entirely consistent with that allocation.
There have been a substantial amount of houses already recently built in Crossgates, which must surely has an impact on the amount of houses that can be built on your site?
The housing allocation for this site of 200 houses stands regardless of the building of other sites in Crossgates as it is already provided for in the adopted LDP. Fife Council did not feel it necessary to remove one allocation in favour of another: sites were allocated in the LDP as they were considered acceptable and that Crossgates could accommodate that level of housing.
The Primary School in Crossgates is full to capacity and more housing will exacerbate the pressures it is experiencing. What are you going to do to alleviate this pressure?
We are undertaking a formal pre application consultation exercise with Fife Council which will assess the current and projected school rolls at the local primary school. This will assess whether any impact will arise and what level of mitigation or developer contribution is required.
Why is there no community hub or other community facilities being offered to the village?
We are presently discussing our initial proposals with Fife Council officials as part formal pre-application discussions to allow the Council to undertake internal consultations with various Services, including Planning, Transportation, Education. This process goes hand in hand with this community consultation exercise.
The Council will apply their approved Developer Contributions policy to this site and we will find out what that might entail when we obtain the Council’s feedback from the pre-application process. There are no priority facilities identified as part of the Local Development Plan allocation or current developer contributions guidance published by the Council.
Has there been any thought about how the current Medical Practice/GP Surgery is supposed to cope with the increase of a 100 plus household population?
This will be a matter for further discussion with Fife Council officials based on their supplementary guidance on developer contributions which Fife Council as planning authority will take the lead on.
Manse Road is a quiet road with very little parking for residents as it is and the added volume of traffic is only going to make things worse for residents in the area already with cars coming and going from the proposed entrance. What will you do to not make the situation worse?
Manse Road is not the only means of vehicular access to the proposed development as there are 2 primary accesses with priority junctions proposed on Old Perth Road. Given the limited width of Manse Road, we would fully expect the majority of residential traffic to use these 2 new accesses with priority junctions.
Have you consulted Scottish Water in regard to water supply pressure and drainage? If so, can they maintain the existing water pressure?
We are in the process of engagement with Scottish Water as part of a formal pre-development enquiry to establish if there are any water supply or drainage upgrades that are necessary, and which require to be undertaken for this development.
What are you proposing to do to alleviate flooding as Manse Road is regularly flooded in times of heavy rainfall?
A Flood Risk Assessment is a developer requirement for this site, as stated in the Council’s adopted Local Development Plan. The applicants will undertake this assessment in due course to support the future planning application, as required by Fife Council.
Why are you not consulting properly with the local community and holding a public exhibition in a local venue?
Current Temporary Regulations on Pre-Application Consultation due to the Covid pandemic that are still in force require one consultation event to be held, but in-person events remain suspended temporarily until 30th September 2022. These regulations have been set by the Scottish Government.
Fife Council’s guidance on community engagement requires two consultation events to be undertaken. We will be undertaking our second online consultation event later in May. This two-stage consultation process ensures our community engagement activity has met the Council’s guidance and also that it is in line with and exceeded the Government’s statutory minimum consultation activity requirements set during the pandemic prior to our finalised plans being prepared for a formal planning application submission.