Kirk Meadow, Land West of Old Perth Road/North of Manse Road, Crossgates
Joint applicants, Miller Homes Ltd, Mr and Mrs David Orr and Keirsbeath Farms Ltd are inviting the public, community groups and other stakeholders for a second time to view their initial proposals for a housing development on land situated to the west of Old Perth Road and to the north of Manse Road, Crossgates, Fife.
It is a statutory requirement of the Scottish planning system to undertake community consultation in advance of submitting a planning application for a major residential development proposal, and our proposals fall into that category. Under normal circumstances, such consultation would take the form of a public exhibition in a local venue giving those attending the ability to have direct contact with and the ability to interact with our representatives to learn more about the proposals and to answer any queries. However, as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Scottish Government issued emergency guidance in April 2020 which temporarily suspended the requirement for a public event and provided advice on alternative means of public engagement, which is mainly to be done online. The “emergency period“ for these guidelines to remain in force has been extended until 30th September 2022.
We served the requisite “Proposal of Application Notice“ on Fife Council on 4th March 2022 to outline how the proposed community consultation will be undertaken, which has been accepted by Fife Council. We started our pre-application consultation process with the local community with our first consultation event in April/May.
Live Interactive Event
Tuesday 19th April 2022
2pm - 4pm
6pm - 7.30pm
Live Chatbox will be available on this website