Emerging proposals
The proposal for the site is for up to 100 homes, comprising a mix of house types which are likely to be in the 2, 3, 4 bedroom size range.
The capacity of the site will be determined by the outcomes of technical assessments and site appraisals. The emerging proposals will however seek to work with the landscape having regard to matters such as topography and views; as well as the setting of the site relative to the settlement to optimise the ability of the proposals to integrate with the character of the village and minimise landscape impact. It is further proposed to focus any development towards the western field which is well contained by strong boundaries and the landscape / topography setting.
The majority of the eastern field area is proposed to be utilised for open space, sustainable urban drainage, community space as well as retained agriculture. The proposals represent an opportunity to deliver a development of family homes in a well contained and sustainable location; as well as new areas of accessible open space, recreational space / community space; and walking routes which can connect into wider core path networks. Vehicular access is proposed to be taken via Kittochside Road.
The emerging proposals will continue to be developed, taking into account outcomes from technical assessments, appraisals and feedback received from public consultation. At this stage, any application will be for Planning Permission in Principle (PPP) which will not include detailed information (materials, final house types and mix etc) as this will form part of a detailed application in due course, following the grant of PPP.