Land at West Kinross

Welcome to the West Kinross Pre-Application Consultation Event

Planning Context

Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as amended, requires that all planning applications are determined in accordance with the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The adopted Development Plan for the area consists of TAYplan, which was approved in 2017 and is the Strategic Development Plan for the area and the Council’s Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2), adopted on 29th November 2019.

Within the adopted LDP2 the site is identified as white land out with the settlement boundary and is not allocated as Green Belt land. Within both TAYplan and the LDP2 a hierarchical approach to development is proposed, whereby development is focused within the Principal Settlements. Kinross is identified as a tier 2 principal settlement as it is a regional service centre and as such it is considered an appropriate area for growth.

This site was identified as site H46 in the Council’s previous Proposed Plan and was proposed to be allocated by the Council for housing. However, despite the support of the Council as a preferred allocation the site was removed at the examination stage, primarily because other sites were considered to be available and concerns had been raised about the effect of any new access road upon on Davies Park. It was recognised that a masterplan could help to address concerns and the emerging proposals therefore seek to identify a deliverable strategy in this regard.

A number of technical assessments are being undertaken to ensure that issues such as access are fully resolved. The proposal will provide new opportunities for play, creating new areas of open space to mitigate against any impact on Davies Park.

The site is suitably located with the M90 providing a robust settlement boundary to the west. It will contribute to sustainable development, and the creation and enhancement of 20 minute neighbourhoods within Kinross.