Land at West Kinross

Welcome to the West Kinross Pre-Application Consultation Event

Design Response

Following on from the online consultation and the feedback received, the project team have been looking into a number of aspects of the proposal in further detail. This includes, progressing drainage proposals and considering further access options. 

This initial proposal for access into the site, tabled at the online consultation, was along the existing access route via Springfield Road. This location relates more closely to Davies Park. This option has been worked up in further detail and illustrated opposite.

Feedback from the community has raised a number of concerns over the potential replacement and relocation of Davies Park, and therefore a second option (option 2), has been explored. This access option presents a more southerly access point, which better preserves the play park faciliti4es within Davies Park.

Both routes provide a suitable access option from Springfield Road, As per the community feedback, both access options present an opportunity to upgrade and/or improve the current playpark facilities . Additional open space provision is to be accounted for and is integrated into the proposal to ensure there is no loss of open space within the community.

Work on the emerging drainage strategy has highlighted the need to have two SuDS basins rather than the single basin identified at the previous consultation. This is illustrated in the updated proposals.

Work to confirm the final drainage strategy is ongoing with further survey work and engagement with the statutory consultees planned. Miller Homes will confirm their findings in due course and ahead of any application for planning permission.