Emerging Spatial Strategy
The emerging strategy will provide around 300 homes and community facilities, set within an attractive landscape
Based on the landscape-concept the emerging strategy includes:
- Around 300 new homes with associated infrastructure and Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) measures.
- New development set within a landscape-led framework, with overlooked open spaces framed by woodland.
- An area for a potential new neighbourhood centre, including retail and business opportunities.
- Substantial areas of overlooked and accessible open space, connected to existing neighbourhoods and the Core Path network.
- A potential area for additional car parking for Leverndale Hospital.
- New structure planting, providing a buffer between development and existing woodland, which is proposed to be retained, as well as connecting woodland areas.
- Equipped play provision in accord with Council requirements and accessible to all new residents.
- A robust network of remote paths, promoting access to the countryside.
The emerging proposal will continue to be developed as the project progresses, taking account of feedback from this consultation and the findings of ongoing analysis.